Textile Works
A Ghost in the Home
Impermanent Body
Absence Collection
Machine-Knit Samples
Knitted Tops
Ghostly Figures
Abandoned Spaces
Wallace’s Home
Pauline Castillo is a filipina interdisciplinary artist from San Francisco, currently working with textiles, drawings, writings, photography, and digital media to express a reverence for the simultaneously delightful and unsettling mundanity of her life. Within an empty room, a silent moment, the stillness of time, she finds herself at home and invites everyone inside. Her work is made up of narratives constructed within a space of liminal existence that many first and second generation Filipino Americans find hauntingly familiar. Lacing these narratives is a language of feminity that dominant culture often undermines by discouraging uninhibited play and wonder. Overlooking this discouragement, she desires to depict what cannot be seen, like moments beyond the boundary of an ordinary photo, the ghosts inside her and around us all, or the unknown pasts and futures that reshape the present. Somewhat like the memories–or lack thereof–that inspire her work, she offers the opportunity to imagine and make indiscernible silhouettes and spaces visible.
Open to Commisions and Collaborations
Contact paulinepcastillo@gmail.com